Hey! So Glad You're Here.
Hello and welcome to my blog, Popcorn and Soda Movie Reviews. On this blog, I review moves and shows I have seen and offer my opinions, interpretation, and a bit of an analysis about each one. You may not agree with me, or maybe you do, but whichever way you choose I hope my reviews might offer you some insight into aspects you may have not thought of.
These are all my opinions and I am not sponsored- this is merely a hobby and creative channel for me. My goal is not to bash a film, but rather, provide my take on it and explain why I feel the way I do. I must also remind you all that I am not a professional film critic or have a degree in film- I'm an ordinary Joe. However, I do feel that I need to tell SOMEONE about what I think after I watch a movie, and what better way to do that then create a review blog? And yes, I watch each movie and show with a bowl of popcorn and cold can of soda!